

As I promised to start posting what I had on my other web site, here is a Tea party Devotional. Use this for your own personal devotion or you may copy and print it for a ladies tea.



  • Beautiful
  • Delicate, yet strong
  • Unique
  • Offers relaxation and soothes the spirit
  • Holds what is put into them with no outlet

  • Beautiful
  • Delicate, yet strong
  • Unique
  • Offers relaxation and soothers the spirit
  • Pours out what is put into it

Read 2 Corinthians 1: 3-5

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God. For just as the sufferings of Christ flow over into our lives, so also through Christ our comfort overflows.”

2 Corinthians 1: 3-5

When you compare a teacup and a teapot you will notice they both have fine qualities, yet one holds onto what is put into it, while the other pours it out again.
Which would you rather be? A Teacup or a Teapot? If the ‘tea’ is left inside it will become old and stagnant, so it is with us. If we hold onto blessings and not pour them out onto others, we to become old and stagnant. We will remain beautiful on the out side, but what is on the inside will become displeasing to the Lord and ourselves. If we pour ourselves and our blessings out over others, we remain fresh and rejuvenated. The Lord will keep us filled with His Spirit and His Love as we go back to Him to be strengthened and encouraged.

The Lord is the one who fills us each day. As we do our daily devotionals and prayers we allow Him to encourage us, teach us and comfort us. We are being filled with His Spirit. What are we doing with all this love and wisdom that he has filled us with? Are we pouring it out (of our teapots) onto others each day, or are we holding it all in our tea cups?

God comforts us, so we in turn should comfort those around us in need.

You may print this out and use it to hand out. Tip: Roll it in a scroll and tie a pretty ribbon. Tuck a little flower behind the bow. Place one at each place setting as a favor/momento for each guest.


  1. Just found this while searching for devotionals for tea and I love it. Hugs and blessings, Cindy

    1. Thank you Cindy. It has been a while since I have added to this site. Your comment has sparked an interest in me to rethink committing some time to it. Thanks again and God Bless.

  2. Thank you! A great word and beautiful way to encourage others as we gather for a tea party!

  3. Thank you so much. You know, I haven't posted on this site for a long time. I have been busy putting up another site now. It's called "Little Fancifuls". As soon as I get that one up I think I'll start adding to this site. I used to cater tea parties! My other site is a crafting/sewing site with ideas, tutorials, freebies, etc. It's not published yet. you can email me at Thank you for your comment and may God Bless, JoAnn

  4. And I just found this page today through a Pinterest post. This devotional will be perfect for a ladies' tea party I'm hosting at our church next month! Thank you for sharing!

  5. I want to plan a ladies' tea for church too. I am so glad I ran across this on Pinterest.

  6. I tried to click onto the devotional to print out and it would only go into multiple pages and I was wondering how a person could get a pretty copy 8X10 to frame for a tea event at church

  7. Thank you for posting this. It is exactly what I needed tonight. What a beautiful way to encourage others!

  8. Thank you for your devotional. Perfect for our Mother's Day Tea. God always provides for our needs, and this day He allowed me to find your work. Blessings to you, and Thank You Lord!
