
Thursday, October 6, 2011

Fall Is Upon Us

It’s a beautiful day. The sun shining and the air smells sweet of fallen leaves. Fall is one of my favorite times of the year.

We have an older house and the windows are extra large. I have situated my sewing table by the large window on the side of my house so I can look out onto my side yard and enjoy the flowers, the pine trees and hear the birds singing. Today there are a couple of blue jays flying about the pine branches. They seem busy getting ready for winter. My sweet dove, Lilly, is perched on a branch looking out for her mate. We have “adopted” a pair of doves that come back every year and drink out of the pond in our yard. I love to watch them.
I am sad to see all my flowers fade away. This is the last of my pink roses.

It’s time to clean up the flower beds, plant some mums and buy some pumpkins!
I love to bake in the fall. The smell of warm pumpkin rolls and pumpkin pies. Doesn’t it make your mouth water? Shall I bake you one?

I have so many projects to do, I’m running out of time!
Here is a project that I think you will enjoy. I get an e-mail from the Graphics Fairy all the time. I am amazed how many images she has! She sent this one to me and there are so many things you can do with it.

Embroidery it, paint it on a vase, make a table runner and put this going down the center….the list goes on. Feel free to copy and print this out for your own enjoyment and use. You can go to for so many more free images and ideas. If you happen to use this, please send my a picture via e-mail. I would love to see it. I will even post it on by blog!

Well, since I know you are all busy baking, cleaning house, laundry, sewing…… I’ll let you go for now, till next time.

Here’s wishing you all a Blessed Day!


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